Heads up for Harry engages students in discussions about mental wellness, sharing strategies to recognize and address mental illness, how to start a conversation about mental health, and how to employ positive coping strategies. These sessions offer the same content as our assembly-type panels on a smaller scale.
behind happy faces curriculum
One strategic goal for Heads Up for Harry is to offer an extended, curricular-based program to area schools and organizations. We have therefore, been licensed to both implement the Behind Happy Faces Curriculum (BHF) written by Ross Szabo. Mental health curricula have done an effective job of letting the public know the statistics surrounding mental health, but the BHF curriculum takes the next step and helps people develop skills to address their emotions and mental wellness. Our country teaches physical health and diet from age 5 through the rest of a person's life. This curriculum does the same with mental health.
Lesson topics include defining mental health, identifying the barriers and stigma around mental health, mental health vocabulary, effective coping strategies, helping our friends by normalizing conversations about mental health, and crisis management.
train the trainer - professional development for teachers
For organizations interested in purchasing the Behind Happy Faces curriculum, Heads Up for Harry offers teacher training in the implementation of this mental wellness curriculum. Topics include guidelines for teachers to use personal stories as a part of a mental health curriculum, a common language to normalize mental health education, and a thorough review of the 8 or 16 lesson series.